The News-Messenger from Fremont, Ohio (2024)

Th Fremont Newt-Messenger Legal Notices Legal Notices PACT TALKS RECESSED CLEVELAND (AP) Necotia- Saturday, Marcn si, iwz tions have been recessed until Tuesday between United Auto 'Bennie Daniels Likely To Open For Nats i' In Presidential Opener At Washington Workers Local 1005 and General Motors Corp. in a dispute over I OMITT I I IZZJ WIL1M I HIBBIT THI JOiV health and safety grievances. The union represents 6,700 workers at the GM Chevrolet plant in suburban Parma. nished him with the bnly run he needed. Meanwhile, Houston edged San JAILED FOR NUMBERS CLEVELAND (AP)-A reputed Francisco 6-5 in 10 innings at Phoenix, and the Chicago Cubs numbers racket operator was outslugged Boston 10-8 at Scotts- sentenced Friday to 2-40 years in dale to remain in a tie for the top spot in the National League Ohio Penitentiary.

Joe Allen, 60, with 13-7 records. The New York had pleaded guilty March to five counts of forgery. Yankees, who lost to Baltimore Notice ot Apeelntment: Citato of David F. Censl, Deceased. Mary P.

Centl has been appointed ond qualified as Executrix of the estote of David F. Censi, late of Sandusky County, Ohio, deceased. Creditors must present their claims within tour months from date of appointment. Dated this 15th day of March, A.O., 1962. JOHN W.

BRONSON, Probate Judge, Sandusky County, Ohio. Morch 31jAprll 714 Notice) of Appointment: Estoto Of Allen SKssman, Deceased. Donald Bill Slessman has been op-pointed ond qualified as Executor of the estate of Alien Slessman, late ot Sandusky County, Ohio, deceased. Creditors must present their claims within tour months from date of appointment Dated this Hth day of Morch, A.D., 1962. JOHN W.

BRONSON, Probate Judge, Sondusky County, Ohio. March 31 April 714 'Notice of Appointment: Estate Of Ralph D. Mehling, Deceased. Bernlce M. Mehling has been appointed end qualified as Administratrix of the estote ot Ralph O.

Mehling, late of Sandusky County, Ohio, deceased. Creditors must present their claims within four months from date ot appointment. Dated this 16th day of March, A 1962. JOHN W. BRONSON.

Probate Judge, Sandusky County, Ohio. March 31, April 7, 14 Notito of Appointment: Estate ot George W. Wills, Deceased. Walter H. Buti has been appointed and qualified as Administrator DSN WWA of the estote of George W.

wins, late of Sondusky County, Ohio, deceased. Creditors must present their claims within four months from date of appointment. Dated this 20th day of March, A.O., 1962. JOHN W. BRONSON.

9-3 in a night game at Miami, a 12-11 record and a 3.44 earned run average. Now in his 10th season in organized baseball, Daniels never gave up on the way to becoming a winner, reaching the majors for the first time in 1957 and hanging on with the Pirates until he was traded. His career record up to that time was an unimpressive 8-15. But he's No. 1 with the Senators after his second fine performance in succession he spun a three-hitter for six innings in his previous outing and probably will be tossing the first pitch toward the plate at Washington's new D.C.

Stadium, April S. Daniels struck out three and walked only two as he set the A's down while Dale Long fur- By MIKE RATHET Associated Press Sports Writer Determined Bennie Daniels, a 29-year-old retread who became a winner in the majors for the first time last year, likely will get the honor of firing the first official pitch in baseball's celebrated Presidential Opener at Washington. The strong-armed right-hander reached opening day form Friday when he became the first member of the Senators' staff to go nine innings and blanked the Kansas City A's 34 on a three-hitter in 'an exhibition at West Palm Beach. Daniels came to the Senators from Pittsburgh after the 1960 season and became the Nats only winner in the 1961 campaign with Legal Notices Partial Settlement: this day came lead the AL with a 14-6 mark. In other games, Cincinnati beat Detroit 8-1 at Tampa, Chicago's Porttol Settlement: This day came The National City Bank of Cleveland, Trustee of the Trust under the will of Solomon E.

Hymon, deceased, end presented their accounts tor partlol settlement. The couse will be for hearing on May 14, 1962, ot 10 o'clock A.M. Fremont, Ohio, March 15, 1962. JOHN W. BRONSON, Probate Judge.

Morch31 Notice of Appeintment: Estote of Romon L. Gabel aka Roman Gabel, Deceased. Ognei M. Gabel has been oppolnted ond unfilled os Executrix of the estate of omon L. Gabel oka Roman L.

Gabel, late of Sandusky County, Ohio, deceased. Creditor must present their claims within four months from dote of appointment. Doted this tth day of March, A.D., 1962. JOHN W. BRONSON, Probate Judge, Sandusky County, Ohio.

Morc'' ''i3' NetK of Appointment: Estate of William H. Rosenberger, Oeceased, Oliver P. Rosenberger has been oppolnted and qualified as Executor of the estate of William H. Rosenberger, late Of Sandusky County, Ohio, deceased. Creditors must present their claims within four months from date of appointment.

Doted this tth day of March, A.D., 1962. JOHN W. BRONSON, Probatt Judge, Sondusky County, Ohio. March 17, 2431 Notice of Appointment: Estate of Mae A. Elshen, Deceased.

Carl ft. Elshen has been appointed ond qualified as Administrator of the estote ot Mae A. Eishen, lata of Sondusky County. Ohio, deceased. Creditors must present their claims within too.

months from date of appointment. Doted this 9th day of March, A 1961 JOHN W. BRONSON, Probatt Judge, Sandusky County. Ohio. Majch 17, 24.

31 Notice tf Appointment: Estate of Roiella M. King, Deceased. Betty King Lee has been appointed and qualified as Executrix of the estate of Rozella lng, latt of Sandusky County, Ohio, deceased. Creditor must present their claims White Sox edged Minnesota 6-5 at Audrey Jean Beckman, Guardion at Lo-Donna Jean Smith, and presented her accounts for partial settlement. The cause will be tor hearing on May 14, 1962, at 10 o'clock A M.

Fremont, Ohio. Marcn 16, 1967. JOHN W. BRONSON, Probate Judge. March 31 Final Settlement: This day came Henry O.

Stahl, Administrator of the estate of Hildred Oonlel Newhouse, deceased, and presented his accounts tor Orlando, Pittsburgh defeated St Louis 5-4 at Fort Myers, the Los Angeles Angels beat Cleveland 4-3 at Palm Springs and the New York Mets nipped Philadelphia 2-1 in 10 innings at St. Petersburg. Orlando Cepeda's fifth homer gave the Giants a 2-0 lead, but a homer barrage by the Colts put it away. Merritt Ranew connected twice, hitting the game-winner in the 10th. A 14-hit attack plus four SPECIAL 5 DAY RATE 5 Days For $1.00 On any Item priced lest than $25.00 Each Ad Must Carry Price VOUR AD MAY HAVE UP TO 10 WORDS This Special Rata Is For Non-ConuncrdaJ Advertisers Only No Refunds FE 2-5511 tlnol settlement.

The cause will be for hearina on 4. May 14, 1967, at 10 o'clock A.M. Fremont, Ohio, Marcn 14, JOHN W. BRONSON, Probate Judge. March 31 Final Settlement: This day came Probate Judge, Sandusky County, Ohio.

Millie Tuttamore, Executrix of the estate of Samuel Tuttamore aka Samuel S. Tuttamore, deceased, and presented her accounts for final settlement. 31 April 7j 14 Notice of Aooelntment: Estate af Red Sox errors got the job done Lena Wahl aka Maadaiena Wahl. De The couie will be tor nearina on ceased May 14, 1962, at 10 o'clock A.M. Roy Wahl has been ooaolnted ond Quo Fremont, Ohio, Marcn iw.

JOHN W. BRONSON, Probate Judge. March 31 for the Cubs despite two-run homers by Carl Yastrzemski and Carroll Hardy. Skinny Brown and Wes Stock fled as Administrator of the estote of Lena wahl oka Magdalena Wahl, late of Sondusky County, Ohio, deceased. 1 Card of Thanks i Creditors must oresent their claims 171 209 IIS-575 784 717 676-2177 witnin tour monms trom aalt at ap Final Settlement: This day came within four months from date of op- pointment.

checked the Yankees on six hits poinTmem. 721 605 705-2031 Dated this 12m day Of March, A.D., CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks te Dr. Carl WeH Dated this 20tn day ot Morch. A.D.. Mary Lucille Dummlnger, Executrix ot the estate of Carl E.

Oummlnger, deceased, and presented her accounts for final settlement. 1962. High: Pot Zepernlck MBD Dept. Store Brlen Realty High: Peanut Root Crwn Rubber Walt Rutch Pig. High: Betty Rusch 1961 JOHN W.

BRONSON. while a two-run homer by John (Boog) Powell and Earl Robin JOHN W. BRONSON. 140 179 167-486 699 695 691-2085 743 681 7012139 160 145 16- 473 Probate Judge, Sondusky County, Ohio. The cause will be for nearina on Probate Judge, Sondusky County.

Ohio. ond Dr. Lee Moore, Rev. George Wolten, nurses ind tides fer their kindness while I was In Memorial Hospital; alst many thanks tt all my friends one! relatives lor til the cards and fiewert May 14, 1962, at 10 o'clock A.M. worcn ji Notice of Appointment: Estate of son's bases-loaded triple paced Marcn Jt, April 14 Notice Of ADDOintment: Estate of 660 669 654-1983 Ohio Vending the Orioles 12-hit offensive.

Fremont, Ohio, Marcn is, JOHN W. BRONSON, Probate Judge. March 31 Rosa D. Mclntyre. Deceased.

Frederick W. Mcliitvrt has been co- sent mi. Ideal Mower-Saw Svc. 639 634 7121985 Fannie B. Huber, Deceased.

loan Jene J. D. McConnell has been ooaolnted pointed ond qualified os Executor of the estate of Rosa D. Mclntyre, late of High: Marg King 140 147 173- 460 UphOllttry 737 893 801-2431 Sky Room 741 102 1712414 Final Settlement: This day came CARD OP THANKS I wish tt thank ill my friends, neleh- and qualified as Executor of the estate of Fannie B. Huber, late of Sondusky County, Ohio, deceased.

Sandusky County, Ohio, deceased, bers and relatives, priests, nurses ind Creditors must present their claims Lucy Marie Brown, Administratrix of the estate of Matilda E. Brown, deceased, ond presented her accounts for final creditors must iresent tneir claims aide fir the cart they love me while within four months trom date of ap-polntme it. within four months from date of ap High: Marg Morley 161 202 199- 569 Cameo' 726 708 6812115 Colony Motors 686 147 7432276 High: Mory Worcester 147 190 211- 548 settlement. Ten teams from Fremont are in Dayton this weekend participating in the Knights of Columbus bowling tournament. Singles and doubles are going off thi saf-ternoon and team events will be held Sunday.

Rip Mosser is secretary of the "traveling group. t. Teams entered In the of tourney are Fremont Tool and Die, Prairie Market, Fremont Oil, Duquesne Beer, Old Dutch Beer, JVlays Paint, Bob Hall's Men Shop, Setzler Electric, Durnwald insurance and Och's Funeral Jfome. Scores of Crippled Children's handicap tournament last night were Pat Cicanese, 630; Bill pointment. patient in Memorial Hespnai; list ftr the beautiful fiewert, plonls and cords; alst Dr.

Kiter for kit cart liven me, The cause will be tor nearina on atea tnis uin aay or marcn, a.u., 1962. Dated tnis 2iit day ot March, A.D., 1962. May 14, 1962, at 10 o'clock A.M. Mr. Carrie Holt JOHN W.

BRONSON. JOHN W. BRONSON. Team Skids After Unusual Start In ABC Probata Judgt, Sandusky County, Ohio. LANES RECREATION LEAOUB Probott Judge, Sandusky County.

Ohio. (Mopl Lanes) Fremont, Ohio, worcn ie, mz. JOHN W. BRONSON, Probate Judge. March 31 Final Settlement: This day came iwarcn ir, 2431 Notice tf Aeoolntment: Estate of 1 Lots, Monuments 86 932 9592877 Root' Poultry Marcn jiAprn Notice of Apoeintment: Estate of (31 128 901-2560 Gertrude S.

Grunenwold, Oeceased. LOretta H. smith nas been appointed Arthur L. Lagrou, Deceased. Patricia Ann Loarou has been aooolnted Carol 0.

Clark, Administratrix of the es 159 169 159- 487 1033 941 977-2951 Walleyes in the Sandusky river? Here's the proof. Richard (Dick) Ransom, 312 Second street, caught this dandy south of State street bridge. It weighed In at 3.23 pounds at Schwab's Sports Center nearby. It was caught on a spinner. Ransom was using a spinning outfit.

The walleye, locally known as pickerel, Is the first he's caught this season. Reports are that other anglers also have been having luck with pickerel. and qualified as Administratrix of the tate of Estle A. Clork, deceased, and presented her accounts for final settlement. ana quantiea as txocuirix or the estate of Gertrude S.

Grunenwold, late of Sandusky County, Ohio, deceased. 929 947 9252801 The cause will be tor hearing on 187 157 161- 505 3 Colo High: wilt Brlndiey Feather Trucking a Electronics High: R. Smith Fairground Grocery Stroh High: John Harder Shatter's Photo Creditors must oresent their cams May 14, 1962, at 10 o'clock A.M. within four months from date of op- 909 893 9562758 987 1000 1058-3045 estate ot Artnur l. Lagrou, late 01 sondusky County, Ohio, deceased.

Creditors must present their claims within four months from date ot appointment. Dated this 23rd day of March, A.O., 1962. poimment. Dated this Ind day of February, A.D., DES MOINES, Iowa (AP)-For a few fleeting moments Friday night the Hal Libers Bowling 156 176 245- 577 Fremont, Ohio, March 19, iw. JOHN W.

BRONSON, Probate Judge. March 31 Final Settlement: This day came aiiliiwiiii? mi. 105 930 747-2483 JOHN W. BRONSON. 981 872 9952848 JOHN W.

BRONSON, Lehman Rooting High: Hank Miller Probatt Judgt, Sandusky County, Ohio. Morch 17, 24, 31 Shop team from Gary, was Probate Judae. Sandusky County. Ohio. Aloys S.

Dlckman, Executor of the estate of Joseoh Dlckman aka Joseph A. Dick- Marcn 31, April 1, 14 the toast of the American Bowl Fritz Mever Garaoe Netict tf Apoeintment: Estate of 176 135 176- 487 84 993 950-2807 902 1033 9852920 181 192 177- 550 Notice of Appointment: Estote of man, deceased, and presented nis accounts tor tlnol settlement. Georgia Stout aka Georgia A. Stout, ing Congress. Then disaster Top Hat High: Glenn Goon Ora Mae Mulr.

Deceased. uecvosea. The cause will ae tor nearina an Calvin w. Bristiev, Jr. has been ao- struck.

May 14, 1962, at 10 o'clock A.M. John Stout has beta appointed ond qualified os Executor of the estate of oointed and aualitled as Executor of the Whlttaker's Pet Shop 977 1009 9692953 Atlas Engine 893 814 8532564 estote or ora Mae Muir, late of ion- The team opened its three- Georgia Stout aka Georgia A. Stout, late of Sondusky County, Ohio, deceased. Ref On Spot High: Tom winning 214 2v3 64 dusky County. Ohio, deceased.

Fremont, onio, worcn i. JOHN W. BRONSON, Probate Judge. March 31 Creditors must present their claims within four months from date of ap Creditors must present their claims within four months from date of game regular division series with an 1134 total, best beginning by M. L.

KEOLERS LEAGUE (Moole Lones) Display At 1419 BucKland HOWARD ZIMMERMAN FE 2-0431 RAY HOUSER-FE 2-1339 MERLIN ESS Clyde 546-3945 Final Settlement: This aay came pointment. NEW YORK (AP)-Dick Tiger, tiiflin 7ehner. Executrix of the estate Dated this 28th day of February, A.D., any team the 59-year history oatea tnis mn aay ot Marcn, a.u., 1962. Voorhle Ins. 943 971 1044-298 Concrete Prod.

Co. 875 132 9242631 High: R. B. Myers 111 164 224- 569 of Theresa Schmoldt, aka Therese the British Empire middleweight champion, and the referee will be 1962. JOHN W.

BRONSON. irhmoldt aka Teresa Schmoldt. deceased of the event and the 14th best JOHN W. BRONSON, Probate Jodoe, Sandusky County, Ohio. Probatt Judae.

Sandusky County. Ohio Ralph' S0M0 937 950 926-2813 and presented her accounts for final ttlmnt game ever in the tournament. March 17, 24, 31 on the spot tonight when Tiger Welly' Chip 949 933 9422824 Morcn jijAprn Notice 0) Appointment: Estate of The cause will be for hearina on But the Hoosiers skidded to 866 Netict tf Appointment: Estate of meets hard-hitting Henry Hank of High; Howard msir itz in? 1 sa Form Bureau 935 934 934-2B03 May 14. 1962, at 10 o'clock a.m. Joseph J.

Grachek. Deceased. Charles J. Hackenbura, Deceased. 2 Special Notices and 927 for a 2927 total, not good Detroit at Madison Square Oar Myer A Station 887 9S0 955-2833 Fremont, onio, Marcn u.

JOHN W. BRONSON, Probate Judge. Dorothy Babione has been appointed and qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Joseph J. Grachek, late ot enough to make the top 10 stand High: F. Moyer den.

Eldon C. Hackenburg has been oppolnted and qualified at Administrator of the estate of Charles J. Hackenburg, late of Sandusky County, Ohio, deceased. Creditors must oresent their claims March 11 ings. Sandusky County, Ohio, deceased.

Tiger, a 32-year-old Nigerian Einni tettiement: This day came Creditors must oresent their claims Zoier Cottmg Rob Inn High: Scheil 5cheil, 621; Bill Conrad, 623; tyyman Hoyt. 611; Meritt Hoff-man, 602; Verle Wagner, 642; Jack Humphreys, 624; Rex Parsons. 613; C. Pullens, 657; Bill Beckley, 654; B. Laird, 646; Pat Zepernick, 625; Marg Morley, 617; Mary Worcester, 615.

The women's city association meeting will be held Monday night at eight at Rainbow Lanes. City tournament prize money will be distributed and election of city association officers are the main points of business. HONOR roll Mtn't 6M Striti Tom Winning, Whittaktr's Pet Shop 640 TU Com John Harder, Srroh 245 3. hom*on, 0. W.

Sugar Co 233 Bill Beckley, Drewry'i 233 Wtmen'i SM Series Pot Zepernick, i Marine Bar 575 Aorg Morley, 4 Upholstery 569 AAary Worcester, Colony Motor 54 Sue MdWurtrle, It lor 533 Corol Hofelich, DM Bar 526 Peg Burton, Sky Room 51 Bernle Bender, Warner Ports 511 Barb Conrod, Nlte Owli 509 Koft Thom*os, Nlte Own 305 115 Com 1 Kennv. Administrator of the es 149 187 182 518 911 1005 934-2857 995 93 1036-2994 199 172 167- 531 01 919 986-2866 87 1001 971296 190 171 161- 529 within four months from date of ap will be risking a promised middle' tate of Frank Felti, deceased, ond pre within four months from date of appointment. Dated this 26th day of March, A.D., There were no changes in the standings for the third straight day. Mod ion Garage pointment. Dated this 21th day of February, A D.

weight title fight against either OPEN 'till 9 every night. Wunel-Elchtrt Religious Shop corner Lynn and W. Stale. PHOTO equipment. Bought-Sold-Troded Repaired-Rtnted at Mtlody Lane Photo Center.

306 Croghon. POWER lawn rolling service. Hopkins. Phone 332-9507. INCOME fax service FE i-Wi evening and all day Saturday Sunday.

sented his accounts tor tinoi sememem. The couse will be for hearing on Auto uuo High: Cleo yers mi. JOHN W. BRONSON Gene Fullmer or Terry Downes JOHN W. BRONSON, May 14, 1962, at 10 ciocx a w.

Probate Judae, Sondusky County, Ohio Probata Judgt, Sandusky County, Ohio. the cochampions, in his 10-round Fremont, onio. iwarcn JOHN W. BRONSON, Probate Judge March 17, 24, 31 Marcn 31, April i Notice of Appointment: Estate of television ABC-TV 10 p.m. EST- Notlct tf Appointment: Estate of March 31 SPORTSMAN'S" Sophia Foos, Deceosed.

fella Lord, Deceased. bout with Hank. Tiger is the 8-5 Final Settlement: This day came Louis Paul Foos has been appointed Robert w. Smith has been appointed favorite, but the odds won't help ana quomiea as executor or me estate ana quoiilied as Administrator DBN af Leo W. Kenny, Successor of the Trust under Item 2 ot the will of Raymond Lost Found of soph'a foos, lata of Sandusky county.

Ohio, deceased. him if the stiff-punching Detroiter Fett. deceased, ana presentea nis at PIGEST iintt nr flnnl settlement. lid! sharp Creditors must oresent their alms hits him on the button. The cause will be for hearing on within four months from date of ap LOST Female Beagle, black, whltt and tan.

Htlena area. Helena 2094. Mey 14, 1962. at 10 o'clock a.m. pointment.

Fremont, onto, iwarcn JOHN W. BRONSON, Dated tnis 20m aay ot Marcn, a 1962. AWAKEN FISH WITH GRASSHOPPERS the estate of Ella Lord, latt of Sandusky County, Ohio, deceosed. Creditors must present their claims within four months from date of appointment. Dated this 21th day of February, A.D., 1962.

JOHN W. BRONSON, Probatt Judgt, Sandusky County, Ohio. March 17, 24, 31 "Notice tl Appointment: Estate of Augusta E. Englund, Deceased. Myrtle Larson has been appointed ond Woodville Faculty Tops Green Springs Woodville'i faculty defeated the teachers from Green Springs 57-43 Friday night in a benefit game that swelled both schools booster funds.

At halftime Woodville led 27-20. In the first game, the Green Springs booster whipped Woodville boosters 52-48. Probate Judge Transportation March 31 JOHN W. BRONSON. Probatt Judge, Sandusky County, Ohio.

Morch 31. April 7, 14 Mansfield High Names New Football Mentor Final Settlement: This day came Marvin E. Shetenhelm, Executor of the Estate of Notice of Appointment: Sadie L. Barkow, Deceased. ftf Unrrv shetenhe m.

aeceasea. WOMAN wishes to contact tingle woman with car for occasional short trips. Wrltt Box 175, cart of Tht ond presented his accounts for final CINCINNATI (AP)-Jim Dough. Kenneth P. Fox has been oppolnted and qualified at Administrator WWA of The couse will be for hearing on erty, former Cincinnati football standout, says he has resigned as May 14, 1962.

at 10 o'clock a.m. Fremont, Ohio, March 23, 1962. JOHN W. BRONSON Miscellaneous Mory Woretster, Colony Motors 1-190 Pat Ztpernlck, A Bar 209-188 Marg Morley, 202-199 Sue McMurtrle, Bar 207 Carol Hotel Ich, 4 Bor 193 Bernie Bender, Warner Port 19? Peg Burton, Sky Room 119-181 quantiea as txocutrix ot the estate ot Augusta E. Englund, latt of Sandusky County, Ohio, deceased.

Creditors must present their claims within four months from date ot appointment. Dated this 21th day of February, A.O., 1962. iruu uf unutnu head football coach for Cincin Probate judge. March 31 Bob Kunde, Woodville coach, led the faculty in scoring with 26 nati's Woodward High School to take a similar job at Mansfield TOOL Rentals floor sandtr ond edger, carpet shampoo and vacuum, power drills, belt sanders, hand sanders. Sabre saw, spreaders.

Fremont Hard- Final Settlement: This day come Alfred J. Cooper, Administrator of the tnt. tnuii H. Nahm. deceased, and points.

Roger Graves and Ned PLAZA MIXED FOURSOME LEAGUE Flnol Standing (Plate Lentil High School. Probate Judgt. Sandusky County. Ohio. March 17, 24, 31 wart, potter village.

Bixler were high for Green "I regret leaving the Cincinnati presented his accounts for final settle-mThe couse will be for heorlng on REPAIR walks, drives, set clothes pests Springs with 15 and 14 respective' This trick is especially suitable for trout fishing and TV antennas with concrete myx ovailabie at The Home Sand A Coal Company in 40 ond 80 pound bogs. area," Dougherty said Thursday night, "but it was just one op May 14, 1962, ot 10 ociock a.w. Fremont, Ohio, March 26, 1962. JOHN W. BRONSON, NEW Firestone Chompions.

Silt 470x15. the estate ot iaaie l. Barkow, late ot Sandusky County, Ohio, deceased. Creditors must present their claims within four months from date of appointment. Dated this 3rd day of March, A.D., 1962.

JOHN W. BRONSON, Probata Judgt, Sandusky County, Ohio. March 17, 24, 31 Netict tl Appointment: Estate of Gordon Creech, Deceased. Frances L. Creech has been appointed ond qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Gordon Creech, late af Sandusky County, Ohio, deceased.

Creditors must present their claims within four months from date of appointment. Dated this 7th day of March, A.D., 1962. JOHN W. BRONSON, Probata Judge, Sandusky County, Ohio. March 17, 24, 31 Notice of Appointment: Estate of Motllda K.

Zleqler, Deceased. Bernard Hawk has been appointed and qualified os Executor ot the estate of Matilda E. Ziegler, late of Sandusky County, Ohio, deceased. portunity I couldn't pass up. It' Probate Judae Teom Sleeper Nite-Owls Fireball! Hot Shot? Firt Flight Eager Beaver B-S a Stinkers Slowpoke 81 39 80 40 68 52 57Vj 62'i 57 63 56' 63'S 56' 63' 54 66 S3'2 66Vs 36 84 March 31 be a real challenge.

$10.88. Exchange plus taxes, ooiior down and a dollar a week per tlrt. Firestone Store, 800 W. Statt. Final Settlement: This day came Hilda 1.

Biodv. Administratrix of the es Indy Entry List At 34, More Coming NEW 19-Inch portable TV's. $128.81. Dougherty will succeed Bill Doolittle who moved to Army as fate of Lewis E. Blody, deceased, ond presented her accounts for final settlement.

The cause will be for hearing on down, (2 a week nrestant store, ouu W. State. an assistant under Paul Dietze, MIRRORS. Standard or custom mode. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.

With HI gome Team: Sleeper 962, 900, First Flights M9. High Team Series: Nlte-Owl 2598, May 14, 1962, at 10 o'clock a.m. Fremont, Ohio, March 26, 1962. JOHN W. BRONSON Notice of Appeintment: Estate of Ethel L.

Glasser Deceased. Raymond C. Giosser has been op-pointed and qualified as Administrator of the estote of Ethel L. Glasser, lote af Sandusky County, Ohio, deceased. Creditois must present their claims within four months from date af appointment.

Dated this 1st day of March, A.D., 1962. JOHN W. BRONSON, Probatt Judge, Sandusky County, Ohio. Morch 17, 24, 31 Notice tf Appointment: Estatt of John A. Schieqel, Deceased Pearl M.

Schiegel has been appointed and qualified as Administratrix of the estate of John A. Schiegel, late of Sandusky County, Ohio, deceased. Creditors must present their claims within four months from date of appointment. Dated this 3rd day of March, A.D., 1962. JOHN W.

BRONSON, Probate Judge, Sandusky County, Ohio. March 17, 24, 31 Tipton Glass, 1604 w. state, rnone 2786. the receipt of four additional en Sleeper Eager Beaver 2491. High Ind.


SOME OF THE GRASSHOPPERS IN VOUR ROUTE JUMP INTO THE STREAM, STARTING FISH TO FEED. THEN CAST A HOPPER OR ITS IMITATION TO THE ALERTED FISH. opened for practice on April 28 DO you Ifiove a gloss problem. We can Morch Owls, 255; Carl Spleldenner, B-S, 247; tries today, more than enough cars already are assured for the and speedway president Ton solve it. fremoni uiuss mil oiu-well.

FE 2-9996. PARTS and service for all makes of can sidoti. Firepans. High Ind. 3 games: Barb Conrod, Nltt-Owls, 662; BUI Conrad, Nlte-Owls, 620; Tom Zappia, Sleepers, 619.

annual 500 mile race at the In Hulman expects a field of more than 60 to participate in time Final Settlement: This day came William Cecil Shetenhelm, Executor of the estate of Minerva Shetenhelm, deceased, and presented his accounts for final settlement. The cause will be for hearing on Creditors must present their claims watches. Clocks, ngniere ana warn shavers. Connors Jewelert, 314 Croghon. dianapolis Motor Speedway on trials beginning on the weekend LINCOLN electric welders, welding rods May 30.

of May 12-13. ond supplies, peters e. 3iagr. mw 402 W. McPherson Clyde.

The list now totals 34 and ad' witnin tour montns trom aate ot appointment. Dated this 8th day of March, A.D., 1962. JOHN W. BRONSON. Probatt Judge, Sandusky County, Ohio.

March 17, 24, 31 May 14, 1962, ot 10 o'clock A.M. Fremont, Ohio, March 26, 1962. JOHN W. BRONSON, CUSHMAN Eagle motor scooter. Excellent Probate Judge 748 107 7722327 102 755 7992356 185 169 194 541 735 690 697-2122 871 764 765-2350 180 192 182- 554 742 744 710-2196 702 824 722-2248 175 154 193- 522 ditkmal entries will be accepted until April 15.

The track will be condition, fcignt norsepower. rc Your Want Ad Number FE 2-5511 First Flight Eager Beaver High Bob Stout Hot Shots NINte-Owls High: Bill Conrod Stinker a High: Poul Park B-S March 31 TWO boy's 26-Inch bicycles. Recondi tioned. Like new. 4ir main, tinaiey.

THREE 3speed phonographs, stereo ond SUMMARY OP FUND TRANSACTIONS HI-FI. Green springs jm oner DISBURsem*nTS PARTS for aM electric shavers, Harvty RECEIPTS 684 713 753-2150 746 676 774 2196 Fireballs Report Of Receipts And Disbursem*nts Oaks Jewelers, re j-tMSi. Balance December 31st Total Disbursem*nts Balance January 1st Total Receipts and Balance FUND 12 FT. wide vinyl floor covering af Operation ond Maintenance Other Nonrevenue Offsets to Outlay Interest Outlay Revenue Nickel Paint ft euppiy, juj c. 42,206.05 437,550.64 266,883.70 High: Ouane Spongier 114 119 201 504 Sleepers 60 763 7712224 Slowpokes 739 674 747210 High: Tom Zoppla 160 179 191- 530 (Plan Lanes) Alloy 894 984 911-2789 Accounting 941 1000 9702918 High Jack Humphrey 170 189 199 558 General Fund Water Works Fund Water Replacement Fund 10,461.4 CITY OF FREMONT For the year ending December 31, 1961.

20.JJ3.7O 75431.95 24,285.12 4,986.47 51.00 51.00 7,837.25 Population I960, 17.535, Federal Census. 645.00 Flood Control Fund Sewage Disposal Fund Porki-g Meter Fund 473,907.02 280,822.78 2,897.12 25,297.81 78,126.42 12,960.49 48,768.08 119,440.28 4,589.87 50,953.31 9,186.29 18,294.71 2,897.12 6,040 81 995.82 50,509.17 50,124.64 $444,367.03 186,696.12 1,012.69 67,099.14 11,913.67 48,717.08 61,093.86 .03 5.00 One lady's yellow gold 17 jewel Wittnauer wrist watch. One 18 carat gold engagement ring with .46 carat fine white diamond. One 18 carat ring as above but .53 carat. FE 2-5215 cash KEi.oni.ii.iAi iur Total Fund Balances De cember 31St, 1961 22,515.60 41,829.66 49,131.77 25,297.81 79,976.55 48,368.95 22,338.16 45,817.61 4,589.87 676.13 10,168.22 5,060.89 5.666.75 2,028.30 roor Reiiet t-una Street Construction M.

ond R. Fund ImDrovement Funds Minnow Creek 4,561.63 Cltv Treasurer Cash 432.616.00 28.24 112.91 715.73 502.272.29l 319,174.83 49,131.77 25,297.81 148,421.38 64.273.85 71,696.13 172,413.14 4,589.87 52,932.07 86,709.66 92,318.51 22,653.14 24.907.18 19,564.11 74.904.33 2,912.53 170,451.72 1.877.23 Treosury Investments 248,853.58 49.90 51,892,25 1,748.73 315.73 Special Assessment Funds General Bond Retirement Fund 71,870 59 80,862.96 8,987.37 Malnt. Janitor High: Petersen fnd. Hyg. Lab.

Fee. Rebuild Quality Control Office 973 967 9392879 974 1044 9172885 186 201 179 566 979 995 936-2900 893 1004 965-2862 984 910 8962790 974 1059 1001-3034 Total Treasury uaionct wiey.xi Police Pension-Cash 10,674.98 90,278.14 98,569.81 8,291.67 Special Assessment Bond Retire. Fund 67,799.83 15,904.90 49,347.97 126,545.63 363.69 94,629.15 92,002.78 17,592.25 19,240.43 7,713.44 50,000.00 491.51 50,670.11 1,585.00 21,548.83 Fire Pension Cash 1,504.31 t-iremen Relief ana pension r-una 14,232.20 Police Relief and Pension Fund 28,365,27 38J52.05 46,234.65 70,294.96 51,313.36 22,918.05 52,972.86 1.978.76 5,346.70 6,251.30 1,104.31 10,674.98 3.297.81 37,271.85 123,819.49 355.67 589.15 699.23 124,397.41 46,233.67 188.85 $660,177.78 21,548.83 14,232.20 15,146.13 3,632.48 172 37 947.80 9,822.37 Recreation General Income Tax 6 Wearing Apparel 34,000 00 24,904.33 TOTAL Orders Outstanding December 31st, 1961 City Treasurer 33,071.09 Fire Pension 400.00 TOTAL (Deduct! 33,471.09 1,209.21 1,703.3: Other Funds: Cltv Bus Fund V45O.0O 590.00 1,261.63 46,612.23 Capital Imp. Fund 16,266.30 37,632.48 2,91253 46,612.23 1,521.56 50,711.39 2,523.03 20.58 1,521.56 1,381.07 118,569.98 292.23 650.87 Teom Not Identified 1040 997 9212958 Team Not Identified 994 972 871-2864 RAINBOW 650LEAGUE (Rainbow Lanei) Wolf Carry Out 946 950 967-283 Fremont Janitor Sup. 931 939 952-2822 High: Jim Baumer 192 203 160 560 50,711.39 50,711.39 Available Balance December 2,461.31 Recreation Trust Fund Fed.

W. H. Tax Fund City Income Tox W. H. Fund Civil Defense Fund Defendants Trust Fund 50,711.39 2,523.03 53 30 20.58 31st, 1961 MEMORANDA Salaries and Waaes 119.

BOY'S sport locket $10. Sltt 31-40. Girl' tweed locket with matching skirt, slit 12, $6. 526 S. Wood.

FORMALS, originally "$40 dresses, novr $20 each. Excellent condition. Slzt 13. FE2-805L CLEAN ladies clothing, slzt 38-40. Cheap! FE 2-6886.

3,112.18 719.81 53.30 171,232.41 70,213.67 32,000.00 14,835 00 3,033.51 1st Mtoe. Rev. Bond Retire. Fund 23,980.00 All compensation and fees paid to City Officials, Employes and Laborers during the vear. 53.30 121,363.90 17,777.12 28,456.55 83.53 600.00 46,835.00 52,436.55 1,501.34 $298,443.05 2nd Mtoe.

Rev. Bond Retire. Fund 53.30 46,835 00 23,980.00 28,456.55 1,396.02 $1,571,897.95 1004 1006 950-2960 973 968 10112953 188 187 201- 576 28,456.55 3rd I. 4th Mtoe. Rev.

Bond Ret. Fund 28.456.55 1,396.02 1,584.87 $2,232,075.73 Water Works 93,474.26 Other Sewage 45,839.07 income Tax Refund Acct. Fund TOTAL $451,344.45 $185,608.59 $56,235.19 $871,709.72 8631,878.14 $1,301,304.54 $450.00 1013 1001 970-2984 7 Household Goods 925 900 9482773 Total public utilities suv.ju.jj All Other 1358,216.04 Total Salaries and Wages Tax Valuation $47,092,778.00 Ttmtorarv Accounts City Bus 1,041.47 Pennon Assessments 169 180 233- 582 957 1011 86-283! 959 937 1059-2955 Transfers 197,943.89 Totol Judicial 332.21 Gen I Gov't BI'd'gs ond Lands Outlay 28,474.56 Firemen 3,433.64 Police 4,106.30 Rebates and Refunds o.Jl Rimhuriemnti for Ooera- Tox Levy 29.60 Mills City Purposes 4.6 Mills 214 213 182- 610 Other, Monument Outlay 1,539.56 Total Pension Assessments 7,539.94 Rents Investment Prooertv tion ond Maint to 042 909 905-2756 Harrison Soliio Mllleson Painting High: C. Pullins G. W.

Sugar Co. O'Brien Realty Nigh: J. hom*oa Fremont Speedway Whirlpool High: Com Meeker Crown Battery tCurfs Carry Out High: P. Thornbury ftetrlck's Applionee Drewry's Beer High: Bill Beckley Deemer's Roofing Dan-Dee Ch'os High: F. Suit Old Dutch Beer Other Temnorarv Accounti Dress up that picture window cheap tor spring.

Two drapery panels, 84 80 inches each. Used but In tint condition. Quality material, custom moe, lined, rich green with gold metallic thread color.FE 2-5663. NEW NORGE freezer, holds 284 $158. Zilles Refrigeration, FE 2-2153.

RElBiriS) General Property Taxti (Real and Tangible Personal): Gen'l Gov't, Bl'dg's and Lands 906 93 9322801 and Duplications 177 190 168- 535 Totol Temporary Accounts 253.143 05 General Municipal Levies 101,155.31 Sinking A Bond Retirement Outlay Offset by Receipts 645.00 841 913 9942755 975 1106 98-3049 171 233 156- 567 tot 969 940-2796 interest 56,235.19 i-unat Pension Funds 27,969.22 Total Property Taxes 223,753.68 Other Taxes Total Disbursem*nts for Nnnrtfturnmntnl Pur. 8 Good Things to Eat Total Gen'l Gov Bi gs and Lands 20.340.45 Total Outlay 30,014.12 Total Gen'l Government 89,169.71 Total Out.ay 30.014.12 Protection to Persons ond Property Police Deportment Gen'l Expenditures 124,097.43 Outlay 3,883.92 Fire Department Gen'l Expenditures 93,717.76 Outlay 121.78 Parking Meters 11,356.91 Outloy 995.82 Civil Defense 1,865.75 Traffic Lights 6,512.56 Outlay 6,106.76 887 912 915 148 201 162- 510 983 994 9712950 Total Public service Enterprises 177,775.19 Total Outloy 21,191.83 Recreation Porks, Playgrounds 35,139.12 Outloy 18 349.88 Swimming Pools and Beaches 2,000.00 Recreation and Other 16,667.69 Outlay 947.80 Total Recreation 53,806.81 Total Outlay 19,297.68 Miscellaneous Pensions and Relief: Firemen 21,548.83 Police 14,232.20 Employe's Retirement (City Portion) 27,987.34 Total Pensions and Relief 63,768 37 Judgments and Damages 415.40 Unclassified Outlay Annexation 3.632.4$ Workmen's Compensation 7,755.55 Flood Control 1.012.69 Total Unclassified Outlay 12,400.72 Total Miscellaneous 76,584.49 Total Disbursem*nts for Operation ond Maintenance 878,709.72 Total Outlay 185,608.59 Interest pose I 451J44.45 Totol Disbursem*nts for all Purposes $1,571,897.95 Fund Balances December 31st, 1961 660,177.71 TOTAL DISBURsem*nTS AND BALANCES $2,232,075.73 871 95 845-2701 Liquor and Beer Permits 23,100.00 Cigarette Licenses 2,599.46 State Motor Vehicle Licenses 57,658.62 State Gasoline Tax 68,308.80 Inheritance Tax 44451.89 Stote Pub Utll. Ex. Tax (Poor Relief) 24,185.86 Variety ciuo High: H. Billow, Sr.

216 172 158- 546 Total Receipts Revenues Total Receipts Offsets to Outlay 450.00 DEBT TRANSACTIONS Floating Debt Special Assessment Loans 45,300.00 Temoorary Accounts Transfer 197,943.89 Rebates and Refunds 622.51 Reimbursem*nts for Operation and Maint 1,403.95 Other Temporary Accounts and Duplications W. H. Tax 53,172.70 Total Temporary Accounts 253,143,05 Total Othjr Non-Revenue Receipts 45,300.00 Total Other Non-Revenue Receipts Private Trust and Temporary Accounts 253,143.05 Total Receipts Revenue, Offsets to Outlay and Other Nonrevenue $1,600,197.59 Fund Balances January 1st, 1961 631,878.14 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCES $2,232,075.73 DISBURsem*nTS General Govtrnment: Legislative Council 7,402.93 Clerk of Council 1,176.01 Total Legislative 8,578.94 Executive Mayor 1,968 65 Auditor 8,217.21 Auditing ond Bur. of Insp. 2,825.37 Treasurer M19.65 POTATOES Fourth orlck house on right past WFRO radio tower on 192.

MAPLE syrup Apples. Cider. Potatoes! Freith roosted peanuts. Eggs. Poormon's.

MUSKRATS. Choice beef by quarters, A. A. Chudzmskl Marktt. WHIRLPOOL NITI OWLS LEAOUE (Rainbow Lones) Income Pavroll Tax 215,560.11 TRUST FUNDS Trust Funds Assets Public Trust Funds: r.i im 237,550.41 Totol Protection to persons and Property Total Outlay Sales Tax 20,558.97 Dealers Intong.

ond Fin. Inst 41,255.86 Total Other Taxes 497,286.77 Hlahwav Privileges 11,018.28 Rents Interest On Investments Gentral City Funds 4,825.87 Sink, and Bond Ret. Funds 3,033.51 Firemen's Pension Fund 174.00 Police Relief Fund 1,137.52 Total Interest 9,170.90 General Government Legislative 15.00 Gen'l Gov't BI'd'gs. and Lands 296.80 Total General Government 311.80 Protection tt Ptrson ond Property Police Dept 991.81 Fire Dept 7,800.00 Parking Meters 15,904.90 Total Protection to Persons and Property 19,696.71 Sanitation Sewers, Drains, etc. Sewage Disposal 67,799.13 Garbage Collection and Disposal 32,623.60 Total Sanitation 100,423.43 Highways Bridges and Viaducts Street Repairing 578.01 Other-Weed Cutting H5.00 Total 693.01 Public Service Enterprises Revenue Water Works 266,883.70 City Bus Line 491.51 Other Tele Commission 743.51 Offsets to Outlay 450.00 Tntnl Puhlir Krwlre Enter "Find ijm.ii hld bv Truiteei of 10 Boats, Motors, etc.

Street Railway Companies 885.96 Conservation of Health Beard tf Health Sandusky County Sanitation MrMt riennina 4,330.18 Licenses and Permits Firemen's Pen. Fund 20,120 00 Cosh In Police Relief Fund 10,674.98 (mrltiM hold bv Trustees Vehicle Licenses 555.15 Pawnbrokers' Licenses 131.25 Building Permits 840.00 Plumbma Permits 1,483.00 22 FT. dory-type auxiliary sailboat. One year old an trailer. S800.

424 Southwest Street, Believue, Ohio. of Police Reiiet Fund 105,000.00 Public Recreation Tni.l Fnnri' Snow Removal 1,713.00 Sewers Outloy 83.60 Sewage Disposal 47,722.44 720 750 792226? 707 721 8142232 137 179 200- 516 694 701 641-2036 769 693 8462308 179 174 223- 576 714 706 6802100 753 703 653-2109 211 179 145- 535 60 730 699-2069 672 724 7782184 144 110 228- 552 674 676 658-2008 776 706 722-2174 192 199 136- 529 744 685 65-2094 753 775 722-2250 201 159 174- 534 Point Press Room High: D. Meier Porcelain Malnt. No. 3 High: R.

Mesler Inspection Tub Line High: Bill Durst Connonboll Tool Room High: J. Wurm Blectrlclons Malnt. No. 2 High: Chuck Moyer Pickle Cabinet Line High: J. Pickens On General Ponds On Mortgage Bonds 14.835.00 Sewer Topping Permits 1,330.00 Other Licenses and Permits 179.00 Total Licenses and Permits 4,518.40 24' CHRIS Craft cobln cruiser.

95 hp. engine. Fully equipped. A-1 condition, FE 2-2153 DUPONT Deluxe Marine Paints and Outlay 6,040.81 On Soec'al Ass Bonds Refuse Collection and Disposal 38,771.77 Special Assessments and Soeclal Charaes for Outlay 24,121.15 $6,235.19 103,358.35 6,124.41 Varnishes. PaulE5piwainnar.

Totol Sanitation Total Outlay Poor Relief Sidewalks 363.69 On Special Ass't Floating Debt Totol Interest Debt Transactions Nongovernment at Funded Debt Redemption Collection of Revenue 12,764.36 Sinking Fund Trustees 5.00 48,623.05 Spec. Assess 92,002.78 Low Offices ond Accounts 6,029.11 Galley THREE-Clty Flnanc. Rep. Total Speciol Assessments nnd Soecai Charaes for City Planning Commission 41.96 Civil Service Commission 580.44 Gen'l Adm. Safety Dent 1,340.36 Casn in irust runa joj.oj Totol Assets 137,654.96 Trust Funds Liabilities-Public Trust Accounts: Firemen's Pension 21,624.31 Police Reiiet 115,674.98 Recreotlon Trust 355.67 Totol Liabilities 137,654.96 Fremont, Ohio, March, 1962.

I HEREBY certify the foregoing lo be correct. DONNA G. BAUMANN. City Auditor. Morch 15, 1962.

Certified os correct. W. P. CULLER, Statt ExomlneY. March 31 Outlay 92,366.47 Fines.

Costs and Forfeitures General Bonds II prises 268,118.72 32,000.00 Gen'l Adm. Service Dept 1,263.09 Mayors Court 36,962.20 Total Public Service Enter-tornritfti Offteto to 16,145.14 RAINBOW RECT LEAOUE (Rainbow Lanes) Mortgage Bonos Speciol Ass't Bonds Floating Debt Loans Paid: engineers Deal. 16,390.71 ACTION IS WHAT YOU GET WITH A FREMONT NEWS-MESSENGER WANT AD! tuoven'ions ana wranis Health Subsidy from State 1,830.00 Other 72.20 Outlay 450.00 nignways Street Povinj Outlay 50,041,04 Street Repairing 49,635.08 Ouflay 44,402.41 Sidewalks Outlay 3,428.82 Street Lighting 37,876.45 Total Highways 87.511.53 Total Outlay 97,872.27 Public Service Enterprises Water Works 176,733.72 Outlay 21,191.83 J.700.00 Reino Loke Cleaners 761 682 6852128 Special ass't coins State Matching Poor Relief 25,162.11 TMil Kuhventinnt flnrl Total Executive 59,918.11 Judicial Continental Fremont 603 674 7572034 Total Floating Debt 3,700 00 196,100.00 Totol Debt fronsactlons Jtecrtatitn Porks, Playgrounds 274 00 Swimming Pools and Beaches 6 842.05 Other 2456.39 Total Recreation 9J72.44 Jury ond Witness Fees 249.76 Grant 26,992.11 Donations Privet Trust Funds High: Phil Zoppia 167 140 148- 455 Oil Marine Bar 6t tf 1752552 -Warner Part 799 797 758-2354 Court Costs Paid 87.45 Operation, Maint 20,340.45 Other Disbursem*nts 1,456.40 Police Pensions and Relief 12.00.

The News-Messenger from Fremont, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.