The Home Prepper - Self-applied Medicine for Every Household (2024)

Turning Effective Remedies into Delicious Foods


The Most Effective RemediesDoctors Won't Prescribe:

The Home Prepper - Self-applied Medicine for Every Household (1)

Trying to find affordable ways to care for your health can be difficult, especially when you don't want to try the wrong remedy and cause even more damage to your body.

I created this herbal guide so that you can avoid making the common mistakes people make when trying to find remedies online.

I'll show you how to prepare delicious foods that incorporate the best herbs for your health and how to use plants as a remedy for several minor ailments.

The Home Prepper - Self-applied Medicine for Every Household (2)

You'll receive our herbal cookbook for free when you get a copy of Herbs for Health.

There are over 70 recipes inside this cookbook, all of which I've used to escape my dependency on generic meds for high blood pressure and much more.

Hypertension won't be the only problem I'll be showing you how to remedy. Inside, you'll find over 39 herbal remedies!

TheSweet Tasting HerbThat Lowers Your Fasting Blood Sugar

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Unlike artificial sweeteners which only claim to be harmless to your blood sugar, this spice is proven to maintain balanced glucose levels.

In 2018, researchers examined hundreds of studies dating back to 2003.These were all human studies done on people with type 2 andprediabetes.

Besides helping them lose a few pounds, this herb was able to help lower their HbA1c and fasting blood glucose levels (1) and it’s now supported by several doctors around the world.

One of those doctors is Dr. Loy Puckett who I’ve learned from to develop the best possible recipe for maintaining balanced blood sugar levels when you’re not eating. It takes only 30 minutes to start seeing results!

On Page 37, You'll Find The OnlyProven RemedyFor Weight Loss

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These two herbs have broken records when it comes to fast weight loss.

They have the most scientific evidence to back them up and they begin to work in just weeks! With a bit of exercise look at how quick the results can be.

In one 30-day study, 44 people who were previously unable to lose weight (due to a slow metabolism) found ‘significant reductions in body weight, body mass index, and waist and hip circumference.' (2)

These 2 herbs are also easy to find, in fact, you might already have them in your kitchen right now. If you don't have these herbs, you can get them for under a dollar at any local supermarket.

I’m going to show you how to turn these fat-burning herbs into a powerful stew that takes minutes to prepare.

How to Clean Out Your Liver and Break Down Gallstonesin Just 4 Weeks

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This amazing soup is made from a secret superfood proven to protect the liver from damage caused by toxins and increase the levels of enzymes that detoxify the body.

This soup is not only delicious but also easy to make, all you need is a blender and this secret ingredient.

In multiple studies, 300 mL (approximately 1 cup) was enough to start showing signs of improvement and within 12 hours volunteers began seeing results (3)!

To make this soup at home, check out page 30 inside your free cookbook!

How to Make Cold and Flu Medicine From Honey, Ginger, and a little bit of Basil

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You've probably heard that taking honey for a sore throat is great, but have you tried mixing it with basil and ginger?

I will show you how to turn these ingredients into a powerful herbal tea that you should drink from the first sign of a cold.

The worst part about having a cold is the first day when you're stuck with a scratchy throat. That's what the honey in this remedy is for.

Ginger and basil help prevent a runny nose and remove phlegm from your throat while your body fights off the virus. This remedy can be used for almost any respiratory issue.

On Page 30, You'll Find The Only Herb You Need toStart Taking Care Of Your Heart

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After reviewing 39 human studies on garlic, authors reported that the most effective dose for blood pressure reduction was600-900mg/day, That's equivalent to about2-4cloves of fresh garlic.

They also found that garlic had a modest effect on lowering total and LDL cholesterol, but not HDL cholesterol (the good type). (4)

If you're anything like me, you probably don't want to eat raw garlic every day especially when it gives you bad breath. Well, don't worry because I've thought of that too.

We have over 30 different recipes with garlic for you to try but my favorite has to be the creamy zucchini and basil soup.

The Home Prepper - Self-applied Medicine for Every Household (8)

It’s an easy way to meet the recommended daily dosage (600 to 900 mg) and it lasts me almost a week.

In this recipe, I use 3 cloves of garlic and to top it off I added a few basil leaves, another powerful herb for lowering blood pressure.

Try this Indonesian Recipe If You Struggle WithCholesterol or Osteoporosis

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Now might be your chance if you've never tried Indonesian cuisine before.

'Tempeh' is a traditional Indonesian food made from fermented soybeans and can add a tasty, nutty flavor to any dish.

If you haven't heard of it before, it's one of the most nutrient-dense foods you'll ever find. Just 3 ounces of tempeh provides up to 15 grams of protein and meets 9% of your daily calcium requirement!

That makes it one of the most sought-after foods for osteoporosis, arthritis, and other bone-related health problems.

The Home Prepper - Self-applied Medicine for Every Household (10)

I'll be teaching you how to make tempeh with herbs.

Tempeh recipes love adding garlic, not just because it adds so much flavor but because garlic containsallicin, an antibacterial compound found in most medicines.

Anyone can use garlic tempeh to manage their cholesterol. When combined, garliccan reduce the production of blood fats(triglycerides), preventing bad cholesterol from building up in your body.

If you want to try this recipe instead of expensive meds that have the same effect, you can find it on page 37!

Hashbrowns with Chives - The Perfect Dish forBoosting Your Immune System!

The Home Prepper - Self-applied Medicine for Every Household (11)

If you love hashbrowns, for breakfast then you'll love this recipe.

The only difference is that instead of using baked potatoes, we'll make our hashbrowns fromcoconut flour, cauliflower rice, and eggs.

We all know cauliflower has health benefits, especially when protecting our immune system. One cup of this vegetable provides up to 58% of our daily vitamin C requirement!

The Home Prepper - Self-applied Medicine for Every Household (12)

However, the most distinctive ingredient you'll be using in this recipe is chives. This herb contains a rare chemical compound called quercetin.

Quercetin breaksdown plaque development in arteries, removing bad cholesterol and preventing atherosclerosis.

"Green Smoothie" for Heartburn, Acid Reflux, Bloating, and Constipation!

The Home Prepper - Self-applied Medicine for Every Household (13)

Did you know that indigestion can be a side effect of common medications like Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen?

But even if you're not on any of those meds, heartburn and indigestion can still happen when we least expect it.

Peppermint contains a compound called menthol thathelps relax the muscles of your digestive tract while your body flushes out the excess stomach acid.

It can help with gas,bloating, stomach pain, and even bad breath.

The Home Prepper - Self-applied Medicine for Every Household (14)

I have a delicious smoothie for you that combines the digestive healing of mint with the insoluble fiber in spinach. Never again fear heartburn, bloating, or constipation.

Find this incredible recipe on page 15 (found inside the cookbook).

The Plant You Should Add To Your Salads forA Stronger, Healthier Heart!

The Home Prepper - Self-applied Medicine for Every Household (15)

Chances are you've come across this plant growing in your backyard, but probably not so much in salads.

It's most often used in pickles, but even then, the pickling process can destroy several essential vitamins for your heart health.

If you already have this herb growing in your backyard, now is an excellent time to start harvesting. It may look like fennel, but it's not.It contains much more vitamin C, iron, manganese, and potassium.

These minerals are essential, especially if you are trying to prevent heart disease or control your blood pressure.

The Home Prepper - Self-applied Medicine for Every Household (16)

An easy way to add it to your diet is to include it in your saladsand some apple cider vinegar.

I've added one of my favorite salad recipes to the cookbook, so if you need inspiration, turn to page 31.

You'll find a delicious salad recipe that you can have with chicken or tofu.

The Aloe Vera Smoothie:No MoreDry Skin and Itching!

The Home Prepper - Self-applied Medicine for Every Household (17)

Sunburns and dry or itchy skin are common problems, so why spend hundreds of dollars when you can fix it at home?

It's easy to turn to medications or store-bought gels as the first option for relief, but what if a simple smoothie could provide better results?

Fresh aloe verajuice (not the gels)is a great way to help ease these symptoms without worrying about harsh chemicals or preservatives.

The best bit? It can also act as a skincare remedy, as it's known to help lock in moisture and soothe dry skin areas!

Drink One Cup Every Morning to Bring Your Stress to Zero! (Also Alleviates Headaches)

The Home Prepper - Self-applied Medicine for Every Household (18)

None of us want stressful lives, but unfortunately, the situations we put ourselves into and the amount of work and pressure we take on daily can trigger our stress hormones.

Unfortunately, chronic stress can affect oursleep patterns, food choices, social behavior,and ability to get things done.

This means that without a healthy coping strategy,your stress will consume more and more of your life!

The Home Prepper - Self-applied Medicine for Every Household (19)

I have spent nearly three years trying to find the perfect herbal remedythat works with the science and can easily fit into your lifestyle.Today, I'm happy to say that I've finally found it!

It turns out that GABA, a neurotransmitter that blocks excessive amounts of cortisol (our stress hormone) from rushing into our bloodstream,is burnt out when we stress for long periods.

The tea I recommend can block the enzyme that breaks down GABA so that more GABA stays in your body, and you start to feel calmer.

Find this impressive herb on page 12 (highlighted under – Herbs for Anxiety), andadd this herbal tea to your morning routine.

But There's MoreThat You're Going to Get:

Growing Herbs for Health

The Home Prepper - Self-applied Medicine for Every Household (20)

I've added this guide to welcome my new friends. This ebook is justone of the two spectacular gifts I have lined up for you!

I thought it would be convenient if you couldgrow these medicinal herbs in your backyard instead of sourcing and purchasing them.

So, if you have no clue how to start your garden, this book will teach you…

… how tochoose containerswith good drainage, how toclean containers,how toimprove drainageso that roots don't become waterlogged,how deepyou should plant seeds, how to ensurelight requirementsare adequate when growing indoors, and much more!

While gardening will get simple once you practice enough, one of the questions most people still ask is,"Which medicinal herbs should I grow in my garden"?Of course,the most important herb for you to grow is the one that answers the health problem you have most often.

So all you need to know is the medicinal benefits of each herb, for example, Thyme to boost the immune system or Yarrow to prevent bleeding! I discuss everything in this book.

Let’s start growing yourbackyard pharmacy!

You’ll also receive a second gift called...

Power Foods for Health

The Home Prepper - Self-applied Medicine for Every Household (21)

Wouldn’t it be so much easier if you had a simple handbook that you could refer to when trying to find the best foods to eat?

For example, let’s say you find it painful to manage your blood sugar. All you need to do is open this ebook and search for blood sugar, and there you have it – beets pop up! A low GI food for salads.

This book is a go-to for all your ‘What foods can I eat?’ moments. I discuss studies and benefits and explain how each nutrient in these foods can help you with whatever problem you’re currently facing.

I will also show youthe most potent superfoods and explain the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber,letting you know when to take which.

Order Today and Get YourCookbook For $13!

Discover The 39 Herbal Remedies That Could Save Your Life...

When The Pharma Industry Can't Be Depended On!

The Home Prepper - Self-applied Medicine for Every Household (22)

Add To Cart! Only $33 today

60 Days Money Back Guarantee

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You'll have a full 60 days to try our Herbs for Health guide.

If at any time during those 60 days you are not COMPLETELY satisfied with this purchase, send me an email, and I'll give you back every cent. It's as simple as that!

Also, after using this book to take care of your current health, I'll also send you a full refund if you don't end up saving at least $50 on medication!

No questions asked.

That's my guarantee to you.

What People Are Saying About Herbs for Health And Its Incredible Cookbook

I'm beyond grateful for "Herbs for Health." This book has revolutionized the way I approach my health. With its 37 herbal remedies catering to 17 common health concerns, it's a holistic powerhouse. But that's not all – the bonus "Cooking with Herbs for Health" cookbook is a gastronomic adventure. The 50 recipes are not just scrumptious; they're tailored to include the herbs that are best for your health. And the fact that I received both books and two extra gifts for just $29 blows my mind!

- Nellie M. Caraballo


The Home Prepper - Self-applied Medicine for Every Household (24)

Really good reference source for herbal home remedies. The detailed pictures are very helpful when identifying the plants out in my backyard. Every morning I make their amazing curried coconut soup with garlic and ginger. I rarely feel sick since trying it out!!!

- Loy Puckett

Columbia, MO

The Home Prepper - Self-applied Medicine for Every Household (25)

A few years ago I was prescribed 11 medications by my doctor! I emailed Eric because I wanted to follow this homeopathic route. He recommended that I try Indian Gooseberry (Amla) to help with my cholesterol. So I thought why not give it a shot? Three years later and I feel like I'm in my 20s again. Whenever my cholesterol spikes I just have a glass of Amla juice. I'm so glad you added it to the book.

- Deborah Griffin

Oregon, Retired pharmacist

The Home Prepper - Self-applied Medicine for Every Household (26)

Medical References

1. GAR;, Santos HO;da Silva. “To What Extent Does Cinamaldehyde Administration Improve the Glycemic and Lipid Profiles?” Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, U.S. National Library of Medicine, /30144878/. Accessed 17 Dec. 2023.

2. Di Pierro F;Bressan A;Ranaldi D;Rapacioli G;Giacomelli L;Bertuccioli A; “Potential Role of Bioavailable Curcumin in Weight Loss and Omental Adipose Tissue Decrease: Preliminary Data of a Randomized, Controlled Trial in Overweight People with Metabolic Syndrome. Preliminary Study.” European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, U.S. National Library of Medicine, /26592847/. Accessed 17 Dec. 2023.

3. Upadya H et al. “A randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, multicenter clinical trial to assess the efficacy and safety of Emblica officinalis extract in patients with dyslipidemia.”BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 19 (2019): 27

4. Banerjee, Sanjay K, and Subir K Maulik. “Effect of Garlic on Cardiovascular Disorders: A Review.” Nutrition Journal, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 19 Nov. 2002, pmc/articles/PMC139960/

5. Oltean H;Robbins C;van Tulder MW;Berman BM;Bombardier C;Gagnier JJ; “Herbal Medicine for Low-Back Pain.” The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 25536022/

6. Surjushe, Amar, et al. “Aloe Vera: A Short Review.” Indian Journal of Dermatology, Medknow Publications,

7. Zare R;Nadjarzadeh A;Zarshenas MM;Shams M;Heydari M; “Efficacy of Cinnamon in Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.” Clinical Nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland), U.S. National Library of Medicine, 29605574/

8. AB;, Kennedy DO;Little W;Scholey. “Attenuation of Laboratory-Induced Stress in Humans after Acute Administration of Melissa Officinalis (Lemon Balm).” Psychosomatic Medicine, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 15272110/

9. Gupta Jain, Sonal, et al. “Effect of Oral Cinnamon Intervention on Metabolic Profile and Body Composition of Asian Indians with Metabolic Syndrome: A Randomized Double -Blind Control Trial.” Lipids in Health and Disease, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 12 June 2017, /articles/PMC5469078/

10. GAR;, Santos HO;da Silva. “To What Extent Does Cinnamon Administration Improve the Glycemic and Lipid Profiles?” Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 30144878/

11. Asbaghi, Omid, et al. “Folic Acid Supplementation Improves Glycemic Control for Diabetes Prevention and Management: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.” Nutrients, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 9 July 2021, /articles/PMC8308657/

Please consult your doctor before replacing any medication, one should not change or discontinue any prescription without a doctor’s approval.

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The Home Prepper - Self-applied Medicine for Every Household (2024)
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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.