Starfield: every name VASCO can say (2024)

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Much like Fallout 4’s Mr. Handy, the robot companion you get at the start of Starfield, VASCO, can say over 1000 names if you enter them into the character creator. It’s a small feature – especially as you likely won’t be using VASCO as your companion for very long – but it’s always nice to hear your own name (or something ridiculous) come out of the machine’s mouth…wherever that is.

We’ve put together this list of every known name that VASCO can pronounce – remember that spelling does matter. Given you can change your appearance, as well as change your pronouns and name whenever you want in Starfield, even if you’ve already started your adventure, you can pick a name from the list below.

A – B


Aaliyah – Aaron – Abigail – Abram – Abrams – Adalyn – Adam – Adams – Addison – Adeline – Adrian – Ahn – Aideen – Aiden – Akira – Al – Alaina – Alan – Alana – Aldrin – Alex – Alexander – Alexandra – Alexis – Alice – Alison – Allen – Allison – Altman – Alyssa – Amanda – Amelia – Ana – Andersen – Anderson – Andonov – Andrew – Andy – Angel – Angela – Anna – Annabelle – Anthony – Archer – Aria – Arianna – Armstrong – Ash – Asher – Ashford – Ashley – Asimov – Aspen – Assface – Atkins – Atkinson – Atom – Atomic – Atticus – Aubrey – Aubuchon – Audrey – Austin – Autumn – Ava – Avery


Bacon – Badass – Bailey – Baker – Banner – Bannerman – Bannion – Barnes – Baron – Barron – Barry – Bash – Bastard – Battosai – Battuta – Batty – Baudoin – Becker – Bell – Bella – Ben – Benjamin – Bennell – Bennett – Bentley – Berry – Bert – Bery – Bill – Billie – Billy – Bilodeau – Black – Blaise – Blake – Blaze – Bo – Bob – Bobbi – Bobbie – Bobby – Bond – Boob – Boobie – Boobies – Boom – Boston – Bouman – Bowman – Bradley – Brandon – Braun – Brayden – Brenna – Brian – Briana – Brick – Brigner – Brock – Brodie – Brody – Brooklyn – Brooks – Browder – Brown – Browne – Bruce – Bryan – Bryant – Bryn – Buffy – Bulger – Bull – Burcham – Burgess – Burke – Burt – Butch – Butler – Buzz

C – D


Caden – Cal – Caleb – Callaghan – Callie – Camden – Cameron – Camilla – Campbell – Capable – Captain – Cara – Carey – Carissa – Carnow – Carofano – Caroline – Carson – Carter – Carver – Casey – Casserly – Castle – Catherine – Cazz – Cerkez – Cha – Chapin – Chappy – Charles – Charley – Charlie – Charlotte – Chase – Cheng – Cherise – Cherry – Cherrybomb – Chloe – Chopper – Chris – Christian – Christiane – Christopher – Church – Claire – Clara – Clark – Clarke – Claw – Clemens – Clunk – Cobb – Cobra – co*ck – co*ckerham – Coffman – Cole – Colin – Collins – Colton – Combs – Conall – Connor – Cook – Cooke – Cooper – Corey – Cormac – Corman – Cornelius – Cornett – Corri – Corrie – Corrine – Corvo – Corwin – Cory – Cosgrove – Courtenay – Cox – Coyle – Craig – Crash – Cruz – Cullen – Cummings – Curt – Cynthia


D.J. – Dag – Damien – Dan – Dane – Danger – Daniel – Daniels – Danny – Darrel – Darren – Darryl – Daryl – Dave – David – Davis – Dawson – Deag – Death – Deb – Debb – Debbie – Deborah – Debra – Deckard – Declan – Deitrick – Deitsch – Dell – Denis – Dennis – Denton – Deschain – Desousa – Deth – Dexter – Diana – Diane – Diangelo – Dianne – Diaz – Dick – Dimaggio – Dinolt – Dj – Django – Dom – Domics – Dominguez – Dominic – Don – Donald – Dong – Dongjun – Donnie – Donny – Dorothy – Doug – Douglas – Dragon – Draper – Dulany – Dutch – Duval – Duvall – Dylan

E – G


Eagle – East – Ed – Eddie – Eddy – Edwards – Elaine – Elena – Eli – Eliana – Elias – Elijah – Elisabeth – Elizabeth – Ella – Ellie – Elliot – Elliott – Emil – Emile – Emily – Emma – Erectus – Eric – Erik – Erikson – Erin – Ernest – Ernie – Eschenbacher – Estevanico – Ethan – Eugene – Evan – Evans – Eve – Evelyn – Everdeen – Everett


Fain – Felipe – Ferret – Fifi – Finn – Finster – Fiona – Fisher – Flag – Flagg – Flash – Flores – Flynn – Foster – Fox – Fragile – Francis – Franke – Frederic – Freeman – Fronteau – Frost – f*ck – f*cker – f*ckface – Furiosa – Fury


Gabriel – Gabriella – Gagarin – Garcia – Gardiner – Gary – Gavin – Gene – Genevieve – Geoffrey – George – Georgia – Germano – Gerry – Gianna – Gil – Glen – Gomez – Gonzalez – Goose – Gordon – Graber – Grace – Grant – Gravato – Gray – Grayson – Greco – Green – Greene – Grey – Griffin – Gryphon – Gutierrez – Guy

H – J


Hackman – Hailey – Hall – Ham – Hamilton – Hamm – Hammer – Hammett – Hamrick – Han – Hannah – Hans – Harden – Hardi – Harold – Harper – Harris – Harry – Haschart – Hasenbuhler – Hastings – Hawk – Hawke – Hazel – He – Henning – Henry – Herbert – Hicks – Hill – Hines – Holly – Holmes – Hook – Hopgood – Houle – House – Howard – Howell – Hudson – Hughes – Humongous – Humungus – Hyun


Ian – Ibn – Ilya – Imperator – Indiana – Indy – Isaac – Isabella – Isabelle – Isaiah – Ist – Istvan


J.P. – Jack – Jackson – Jacob – Jag – Jake – James – Jangjoon – Jasmine – Jason – Jay – Jayce – Jayden – Jeff – Jeffery – Jemison – Jen – Jenkins – Jennifer – Jeremiah – Jeremy – Jerry – Jerusalem – Jess – Jessica – Jessie – Jet – Jim – Jimmy – Joan – Joe – Joel – Joey – John – Johnson – Jon – Jonathan – Jones – Jonpaul – Jordan – Jordyn – Joseph – Josh – Joshua – Josiah – Jp – Juan – Julia – Julian – Juliana – Justin

K – M


Kaela – Kaelyn – Kaitlyn – Kal – Kalel – Kal-el – Kaneda – Karlie – Kate – Katharine – Katherine – Katie – Katniss – Kauffman – Kayla – Kaylee – Keira – Kelley – Kelly – Kelvin – Ken – Kennedy – Kenshin – Kevin – Kim – King – Kirk – Knight – Krietz – Kris – Kristine – Kuhlmann – Kurt – Kylie


Lafferty – Lamb – Lamprecht – Lance – Landon – Lane – Laura – Lauren – Layla – Lea – Leah – Lederer – Lee – Leia – Leif – Leo – Leon – Leslie – Levi – Lewis – Li – Liam – Lila – Liliana – Lillian – Lily – Lincoln – Linda – Lionheart – Lipari – Liz – Locke – Logan – London – Loner – Long – Lopez – Losi – Lucas – Luce – Lucy – Luke – Lundin – Lupe – Lynda


Maam – Mackay – Mackenzie – Macklin – Madeleine – Madelyn – Madison – Mae – Makayla – Mal – Malcolm – Mamba – Mandi – Mandy – Marc – Marco – Marcus – Margaret – Marge – Margie – Maria – Marie – Marji – Marjorie – Mark – Marko – Markus – Marlowe – Marsden – Martel – Martin – Martinez – Marty – Mary – Mason – Mat – Mateo – Matt – Matthew – Matty – Max – Maya – Mccoy – Mcdyer – Mcfly – Mckay – Mcpherson – Meagan – Means – Megan – Meister – Melody – Merriam – Mia – Micah – Michael – Michonne – Miguel – Mikami – Mike – Mila – Miles – Miller – Mitchell – Mohammed – Molly – Monster – Montana – Moore – Morales – Morgan – Morgue – Morpheus – Morris – Muck – Mudguts – Mueller – Muhammad – Mulder – Muldoon – Murphy – Myers

N – Q


Nadia – Nancy – Nanes – Nanni – Nardone – Nasty – Natalia – Natalie – Natasha – Nate – Nathan – Nathaniel – Nazarov – Neal – Neary – Nelson – Neo – Nesmith – Neville – Nguyen – Nicholas – Nico – Nipple – Noah – Nogueira – Nolan – Noonan – Noqueira – Nora – Norm – Norman – North – Northup – Nourmohammadi – Nuclear – Nuke – Nyhart


Olds – Oliver – Olivia – Ollie – Olsen – Olson – Optical – org*smo – Orin – Orion – Ortiz – Owen – Owens


Pagliarulo – Palmer – Paris – Parker – Parson – Pat – Patrick – Patty – Paul – Pely – Pendleton – Penelope – Perez – Perry – Pete – Peter – Peterson – Peyton – Phil – Philip – Phillips – Picard – Pickett – Pierce – Plissken – Powell – Preacher – Price – Priest – Prince – Princess – Psycho – Puma – Python


Qin – Quartermain – Quatermass – Queen – Quinn

R – S


Rabil – Raed – Raf – Rafael – Ramirez – Ramsey – Randal – Randall – Rankin – Rapp – Ray – Raymond – Reagan – Red – Reed – Reese – Reidicus – Reische – Rex – Reyes – Reynolds – Ric – Ricardo – Richard – Richards – Richardson – Rick – Ricky – Rictus – Riddick – Ride – Riley – Ripley – River – Rivera – Rob – Robb – Robert – Roberts – Robinson – Rock – Rockatansky – Rocky – Rodriguez – Rodriquez – Roger – Rogers – Roland – Roman – Romanov – Romanova – Romero – Ron – Ronald – Ronny – Rook – Rosa – Rose – Ross – Roy – Ruby – Russell – Ryan


Sacagewea – Sadie – Sage – Sally – Salvatore – Sam – Samantha – Sammie – Sammy – Samuel – Sanchez – Sanders – Sandra – Sanjuro – Sara – Sarah – Sarse – Savannah – Sawyer – Scarlett – Schaefer – Scharf – Schreiber – Schroeder – Scott – Scully – Sears – Sebastian – Selena – Serena – Seth – Sex – Sexy – Shane – Shannon – Shanon – Shaun – Shawn – Shen – Shinji – Shrike – Sidney – Singer – Sir – Skyler – Slaughter – Slinger – Slit – Smirnova – Smith – Snake – Snow – Solo – Solomon – Sophia – Sophie – South – Southie – Spade – Speer – Spider – Spike – Splendid – Spring – Springsteen – Stark – Stef – Stella – Steph – Stephanie – Stephen – Sterling – Steve – Steven – Steward – Stewart – Stone – Stratton – Struthers – Stuart – Sullivan – Summer – Sunshine – Sweetpea – Sydney

T – V


Takahashi – Tallahassee – Tardif – Taylor – Teare – Ted – Teddy – Teitel – Tereshkova – Tesla – Tetsuo – Texas – Thom – Thomas – Thompson – Thorn – Thorne – Tiana – Tim – Timmy – Timothy – Tit – Tittie – titt*es – Toadie – Toast – Todd – Toecutter – Tom – Tommy – Tonon – Tony – Torres – Tracey – Tracy – Treadway – Trinity – Tristan – Tuck – Turner – Tyler


Unbreakable – Utting


Valenti – Valentina – Valentine – Valkyrie – Vargas – Vash – Vaughan – Vaughn – Venkman – Vic – Vicens – Victoria – Violet – Vivian

W – Z


Wagner – Walker – Walton – Wanderer – Ward – Washington – Watson – Watts – Wayne – Webb – Wells – Wes – West – Weyland – Wez – White – Whitey – Wikus – Will – Willem – William – Williams – Willy – Wilson – Winter – Wisnewski – Wood – Woodward – Wright – Wyatt




Yan – Yeasting – Yojimbo – Yorick – Young – Yuri – Yutani


Zachary – Zdana – Zed – Zenith – Zetta – Zheng – Ziggy – Zip – Zoe

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Starfield: every name VASCO can say (2024)


What names can Vasco say in Starfield? ›

Starfield names list: All names VASCO can say
Starfield names VASCO can say
138 more rows
Sep 7, 2023

How do I get Vasco to say my name? ›

Vasco has a list of names he knows. He will address you by them if he knows either your first or last name. If he knows both (i.e. John Smith) he'll default to your last name.

Can you change what Vasco calls you? ›

If you want to change your name to one on the list below, or even just test some out, you can change your name at the Enhance stores where you can also change appearance in Starfield. With that in mind, here's the full list of names Vasco can say in Starfield, arranged alphabetically for you.

Can they say your name in Starfield? ›

Summary. Starfield's robotic companion, Vasco, can address the player character by name, but only from a set list of over 1,000 names.

What names can you not name Wanderer? ›

None of his previous names can be used, so Scaramouche, Balladeer, and Kunikuzushi are out of consideration. Names with special characters will also not be accepted. It is also important that players follow the game's guidelines to not use any offensive words.

What does Vasco mean? ›

Meaning:Little raven; Crow. Vasco is a bold name to help your little one reach for the stars! This masculine pick is of Basque origin and means "little raven" or "crow." Its cousins, Velasco and Belasco, are popular among Portuguese and Spanish speakers.

How do I get Vasco? ›

How to Recruit Vasco in Starfield. Vasco is the first companion you will travel with after leaving Vectera and will follow and assist you on your mission to New Atlantis. You will be able to ask the bot to officially join your crew after completing One Small Step and arriving at The Lodge.

How do you trigger Vasco romance? ›

Romance. Once you have completed all three personal quests and given the three correct dialogue options, speaking to Captain Vasco again, which will prompt him to recite poetry to De Sardet and invite them to spend some time alone with him. Agreeing to this begins the romance and unlocks the "Love and the Sea" accolade ...

What names can I use in Starfield? ›

The best 100 names to use in Starfield
  • Aldrin.
  • Lightyear.
  • Elrin.
  • Draex.
  • Braxton.
  • Buzz.
  • Easton.
  • Asimov.
Sep 4, 2023

Does name matter in Starfield? ›

You can name yourself whatever you want. But the game, like Fallout 4, can recognize certain names. My first character was named "Winter" so Vasco and others called me "Captain Winter" in spoken dialogue. I use both on my female character - Skumbonia Deape.

Is Vasco text to speech? ›

You'll receive an instantaneous text-to-speech translation within a blink of an eye. The Vasco Translator is the most accurate text-to-voice translator on the market, combining the power of 10 different language engines to give you results with up to 96% accuracy.

Can you get more robot companions in Starfield? ›

You can pick up over 20 different companions in Starfield, each of whom has their own unique skills to bring to the table to make your experience easier. These crew members and companions can be found all across the universe.

Why won't Vasco say my name? ›

First of all, make sure your player's name is one present in this list: Starfield names - all 1,013 names Vasco can say. Make sure you have the ArchiveInvalidation enabled! When not using BethINI: Creating/adapting the StarfieldCustom.

Can you romance in Starfield? ›

In Starfield, you'll find many companions to journey with you as you explore the vast galaxy and undertake many adventures. Four of your companions, however, can develop feelings for you that you can choose to engage in romance with. You can only have one romantic relationship at a time.

Can you change Vascos' appearance? ›

You can now customize Vasco: Appearance (Race/Model) Weapon.

Can you have one name or two names in Starfield? ›

You can put the first name only, or you can put both. If both are on the list of names Vasco can say, the last name will be used. You can even change your name after character creation by going to Enhance.

What does Vasco do in Starfield? ›

Vasco is a modified expeditionary robot, created by Lunar Robotics, that has been modified by the group Constellation to provide aid and support in their missions across the galaxy. As a robotic companion, Vasco's design allows him to traverse rough terrain, and can carry payloads much larger than a human.

What is Barrett's last name in Starfield? ›

Amundsen Barrett is an adventurer, scientist, and explorer. He has been a member of Constellation since 2305. Barret is one of the 4 Marriage Candidates in Starfield.

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.