Evening star from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

in THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON, D. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, -1928. NEW SEA DEVICES RECEIVE APPROVAL Coast and Geodetic Survey Director Describes "EchoSounding" Process. Echo sounding through water and radio acoustic sound ranging were given "public presentation and official indorsem*nt" today by Col.

E. Lester Jones, director of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, in his annual report to the Secretary of Commerce, describing their use coastal waters. These marvels of modern science, it and locate with the aid was explained, enable, ships to measure of electro-mechanical devices which send out impulses through the water to the ocean floor. and also to points on shore. Col.

Jones also declared that despite an increase of 400 per cent in eight years in the volume of survey work accomplished, the survey expects further to broaden its activities in the East and along the Atlantic Coast. The increase will be made possible by addition to the survey fleet of one new ship, now under menstructionde and also through development under-water communication devices. The Atlantic Coast fleet next year will consist of four instead of three ships. Resurvey Needed. "There is need for completing a resurvey those Atlantic and Gulf Coast waters constantly traversed by coastwise shipping." declared Col.

Jones. "Present charts of the area are constructed largely from surveys made 60 to 80 years ago, based on the requirements of comparatively small sailing ships. Such charts are partly inadequate for modern deep steamers. In addition. on this comparatively shallow coast natural changes would have made the best of surveys of that age to some extent obsolete." Discussing personnel questions, Col.

Jones declared the Welch act was a "step in the right but that "other and more liberal legislation should follow." "Higher pay for civil service personnel," he said, "is simply the logical solution to the problem of increased efficiency in the conduct of Government business." A comprehensive tide and current survey of Chesapeake Bay was in progress at the close of the fiscal year, the report states. Development Described. Reporting that eight of the survey's 13 ships are now equipped with echo sounding apparatus known as the fathometer, Col. Jones described this development as follows: "Echo sounding depends on the fact that if a sound is produced under water, an echo will return from the bottom. By measuring the time interval required for a sound to travel from the hull of a ship to the ocean floor and return to the ship, and multiplying by one-half the velocity of sound in water, the depth of the water is determined.

"Sound travels much easier and faster in water than in air. A sound made at the bottom of a ship will travel to the bottom of the ocean and back through a thousand fathoms; or a depth of more than a mile of water, in two and onehalf seconds, the velocity of sound in water being about 4,800 feet per second. "By the use of the echo sounding apparatus, more than twice as much area per day can be surveyed than would be possible by any other known means. Soundings can be taken in any depths, from a few fathoms under the keel to 2.800 fathoms (16,800 feet). or more, while the vessel is going ahead at full PLANS TO HONOR MISS ALICE DEAL Memorial Association Organized to Perpetuate Memory of Pioneer Teacher.

Plans for perpetuation of the memory of Miss Alice Deal, pioneer in the development here of the junior high school system of education, were begun at a reorganization meeting of the Alice Deal Memorial Association last night at Wilson Normal School. The association will endeavor to have the proposed Reno Junior High School renamed the launched Junior Hign School, and will campaign for funds to establish an annual scholarship to Goucher College to be known as the Alice Deal foundation scholarship. Last night's organization included the creation of a membership committee and subcommittee and a constitution committee. The membership committee includes Mrs. J.

C. South, chairman; Mrs. Susie R. Rhodes, Miss Young, Mrs. Arthur Veerhoff, Howard Safford.

Mrs. Florence Cornell, Mrs. Agnes Kinnear and Mrs. Carol Smith. The membership subcommitte, composed of students, includes Mary F.

Glenn, chairman; Beatrice Coles, Louise Sabotka, Leslie Tracey and Adolf Turner. The constitution committee includes: J. C. South, chairman; D. E.

Campbell, Walter Irey, Robert H. Harmon and Charles R. Connolly. Miss Deal was principal of Columbia Junior High School at the time of her death, last March. She was one of the foremost proponents of the introduction of the junior high school in the local school system and her work in its interest is credited by school officials as being largely responsible for the success of the transition from the plan of eight years of elementary school and four years of high school, to the system embracing six years of elementary work, three years of junior high school and three years of senior high school work.

DR. R. J. COLES, FRIEND OF LATE T. BURIED Virginian Had Record of Having Caught a Man-Eating Shark With Rod and Reel.

Special Dispatch to The Star. DANVILLE, November services will be held tomorrow at 11 a.m, in Pittsylvania County for Dr. Russell Jordan Coles, 63, who died of heart failure at his ancestral home, Coles Hill, early yesterday. Dr. Coles was a hunting companion of the late Col.

Roosevelt. In 1918 he organized a fishing expedition to Punta Gorda, where Col. Roosevelt harpooned his first devilfish During the same year Dr. Coles and Col. Roosevelt were awarded the degree of doctor of science at Trinity College, Hartford, Conn.

A member of an old and distinguished family, Dr. Coles came to Danville and embarked in the tobacco business. He spent a good part of the year on the Atlantic seaboard. having a houseboat at Morehead City, N. C.

At one time he held what is said to have been a record for catching man-eating shark with rod and TRIAL BOARD WORK UP. The Police Trial Board was up to date with its cases today for the first time since the Staples trial last April, Police Inspector Louis J. Stoll, one of its members, said today. yesterday disposed of four cases, recommending dismissal of two officers and fines for two others. To Wed Count TALLULAH BANKHEAD, American actress famous beauty, will he married soon in London to Count Anthony de Bosdari, member of one of Italy's oldest families, who is shown below.

AUTO HITS POLICE CAR. Marylander Treated at Hospital for Injury. Pedro Atwood, colored, 47, of mont Heights, was cut over the left eye shortly before noon today when his automobile collided with a police headquarters car at Sixth and streets as the official car was on its way to Police Court carrying Detective Howard Cole, who had been called from the District Building to testify in a case. A rear wheel on Atwood's car was smashed and a fender crumpled. The police car escaped with a bent bumper.

car, E. L. Ware, driving the headquarters said he was proceeding north on Sixth street at a moderate speed when he collided with the other car, which, he said, passed a truck at the intersection on the right-hand side. Ware took the colored man to Emergency Hospital and returned to the scene of the accident to assist in removing the damaged machine. FIVE INJURED IN BLAST.

Alleged Still Explodes in House Near Burkittsville, Md. Special Dispatch to The Star. FREDERICK, November Stacey Stottlemyer and his ville, are confined at local Hattie to Stottlemyer, of near Burkittshospital with serious burns, and three colored persons are less seriously burned, as the result of an alleged still exploding in a house in Catoctin Mountains. The Stottlemyers told county officials that they. did not have anything to do with operating the still.

their home being near that in which it was located. SHIPPING NEWS Arrivals at and Sailings From New York. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Munamar-Havana November 16 -La Guayra November 13 Metapan -Kingston November 17 Bermuda -Bermuda 20 Marques de Comillias-Barcelona. October 23 DUE TODAY.

Baracoa-Puerto Colombia. November 17 Denis -Para 9 President Harding -Bremerhaven. November 14 DUE TOMORROW. De -Havre November 14 DUE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25. Pastores-Port November 17 -Trinidad November Mexico Vera Cruz November 18 DUE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26.

Alunia- Southampton November 16 Celtic Liverpool November 17 Deutschland November 16 November 16 Gripsholm- -Gothenburg November 16 Minnewaska-London November 17 Marseille November 6 November 16 Polonia- -Danzig November 13 November 17 -Oslo November 16 Porto Rico--San Juan November 21 San Lorenzo -Santo November 20 DUE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27. Paris -Havre November 21 President Hayes -World cruise. American Merchant -London November 17 Byron--Piraeus November 10 DUE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28. Falcon--La Guayra November 20 Homeric--Southampton November 21 Karlsruhe- Bremerhaven November 18 Munorleans- Santos November 10 Transylvania--Glasgow November 17. DUE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29.

Leviathan- Southampton November 23 Cristobal Colon October 26 Bermuda--Bermuda November 27 Metapan-Kingston November 24 Aquitania- Southampton November 24 Conte Biancamano November 20 President Rocsevelt-Bremerhaven Dominica--Trinidad 20 November 21 OUTGOING STEAMERS. SAILING TODAY. Augustus--Genoa and Naples. and Southampton. Astrea-Inagua and Cape Haiti.

Calypso La Guayra, Puerto Cabello, cao and Maracaibo. Bolivar Port Prince, Cartagena and Nassau. Puerto Colombia. Princess May--Kingston. SAILING TOMORROW.

Nieuw Amsterdam-Plymouth, Boulogne and New York- Cherbourg, Southampton and Hamburg. Oscar 11-Christiansand, Oslo and Copenhagen. DrottningholmCalamares-Havana, Cristobal and Port Limon Tivives-Santiago, Kingston, Puerto Castilla, Tela and Belize. -Havana. Adriatic- and Liverpool.

Minnekahda- London and Boulogne. Lempira Puerto Cortez. Norissa-St. John's and Halifax. Bermuda-Bermuda.

Manaqui--Santiago, Kingston and Puerto Colombia. Voltaire--Barbados. Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo and Buenos Aires. Samland-Antwerp. Anaconda Rotterdam.

Hawaii--Pacific Coast. Cornelia Juan. Laconia -Liverpool. Exerment-Beirut. Mary-Santo Domingo.


Marques de -Barcelona. Ancon--Port au Prince and Cristobal. Mayaro -Grenada, Trinidad and town. Columbus--Bremerhaven, via Plymouth and Cherbourg. SAILING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28.

De Grasse- Havre. President Harding--Plymouth, Cherbourg and Bremerhaven. Yoro-Kingston. Mexico- Progreso and Vera Cruz. Fort Victoria -Bermuda.

Tachira--San Juan. La Guayra, Puerto Cabello, Curacao and Maracaibo. Metapan-Kingston. Cristobal, Cartagena, Puerto Colombia and Santa Marta. SAILING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29.

Ebro- -Cristobal, Callao and Valparaiso. San Lorenzo--San Juan and Santo Domingo. SAILING FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30. Baracoa-Puerto Colombia. Paris- Plymouth and Havre.

Homeric--Cherbourg and Southampton. Plymouth, Cherbourg end Antwerp. SAILING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1. Alaunia--Plymouth, Havre and London. West Indies cruise.

Transylvania and Glasgow. Thuringaria- Cobh and Hamburg. Pan-America. Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo and Buencs Aires. Porto Rico--San Juan.

Pastores-Havana Cristobal and Port Limon. Minn and London. Celtic-Coba and Liverpool. FOREIGN SERVICE CONVOCATION SET Nelson T. Johnson to Address G.

W. U. Students Tomorrow Afternoon. The George Washington University Foreign Service students will attend the first formal convocation of the foreign service branch of the George Washington University School of Government tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock with Nelson T. Johnson, Assistant Secretary of State, delivering the principal address on "The Meaning of Foreign Service." The convocation will be held in Corcoran Hall, at Twenty-first and streets.

The convocation is coincident with the annual convention in Washington of National League of Masonic Clubs, which has undertaken the establishment in George Washington University of two chairs in foreign service. Delegates to the league convention as well as officials the university and members of the faculty of the School of Government attend. President Cloyd Heck Marvin will preside. Preceding the convocation, a conference of members of the league and university officials will be held. A short history of the development of the foreign service project will be given by Dr.

De Witt C. Croissant, member of the board of trustees of the Education Foundation of the league. Prof. Charles E. Hill will give an analysis of C.

Walter Young of the Political Science the curriculum for foreign service a work. Department of the university, will tell of the objectives in the teaching of international relations, and Richard Norman Owens, professor of accounting and business administration, will speak on "Business Training in Its Relationship to Foreign Service." A talk of diversification in choice of studies will be given by Prof. Warren Reed West of the Political Science Department. Among the prominent Masons who will attend are: Roy A. MacGregor of Pittsburgh, president of the National League of Masonic Clubs; Capt.

Cheney L. Bertholf of Washington, first vice president: Mortimer L. O'Connell of Oradell, N. second vice president; W. F.

Tidswell of Detroit, third vice president; Arthur B. Eaton of Washington, secretary-treasurer, and B. Waldo Hobart and George H. Peterson. members of the board of directors of the league.

Members of the board of trustees of the Educational Foundation who will be present are: Lynn H. Troutman, chairman: De Witt C. Croissant, Robert I. Mrs. Rinehart Hurt When Thrown From Frightened Horse Mary Roberts Rinehart, novelist, is recovering from slight injuries sustained in Rock Creek Park yesterday morning when her horse shied, throwing her heavily to the ground.

Mrs. Rinehart was out for an early morning ride with her husband, Dr. Stanley Rinehart. Dr. Rinehart carried his wife to their automobile, parked at the clubhouse, and drove her home.

She was badly shaken up. Dr. Rinehart said he did not know how the horse became frightened. "We were riding through the park," he said, "when the horse stopped suddenly, wheeled and started across the park, throwing my wife several feet through the air." Mrs. Rinehart has been riding for many years and is considered an excellent horsewoman.

Washington and Ralph B. Kirby of Providence, R. I. The George Washington University School of Government was established last year through the $1,000,000 endowment of the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite Masons of the Southern jurisdiction, as a memorial to "George Washington, the Mason." The resolutions drawn up by the council to accompany the gift called attention to the efforts of George Washington to provide for the maintenance in the National Capital of a national institution to aid youth in acquiring knowledge in the theory and fundamentals.of politics and government, and stated that after a careful survey the conditions surrounding George Washington University, the Supreme Council had reached the conclusion that this university could best promote Washington's ideals. Students from 19 States and from the District of Columbia are registered in the School of Government, which opened this Fall.

MARRIAGE ANNULLED. Army Medical Corps Sergeant Wins Final Decree. Justice Bailey, in Equity Court, today signed a final decree annulling the marriage of Sergt. George A. Ironside, United States Army Medical Corps, and Emma O.

which took place in this city on May 21, 1922. Sergt. Ironside claimed that when he married his bride represented that she had divorced her first husband, Albert Asher, in Virginia some years before, investigation showed that she obtained only a limited divorce from Asher. Attorneys Raymond Neudecker and William C. Ashford appeared on behalf of the husband.

Bagdad, Iraq, is to have its first COMMUNITY CHEST AFFILIATION SOUGHT Applications Filed by Children's Hospital and Two Other Organizations. Application of the Children's Hospital today for membership in the Washington Community Chest, with two additional applications received yesterday. brings the possible membership of the chest to agencies to be included in the one general appeal for funds, it is announced by Elwood Street, chest director. The application of the Children's bot, secretary of the hospital board, and Hospital was signed 1 by Dr. Allan Talbore the notation that the names of two members to serve as the hospital's chest representatives would be in a few days.

Applications Filed Yesterday. Applications were received yesterday from the Columbia Hospital. signed by Henry P. Blair, president, and from the Washington Home for Foundlings, signed by John B. Larner, its president.

These and applications from 11 other agencies will be decided upon by the chest's membership committee, which also is its budget committee, at a meeting which convened at the chest's headquarters, 1418 I street, early this afternoon. Twenty-six agencies were admitted by the board of trustees last week. Sponsors Listed. The application from the Columbia Hospital named Gen. M.

W. Ireland, surgeon general of the Army and vice president of the hospital board, and Dr. W. P. Morrill, superintendent of the hospital, to serve as representatives on the chest board.

Victor B. Deyber, a member of the board of the Washington Home for Foundlings, and Miss L. Elizabeth Thomas, its superintendent, were named to represent that institution on the chest board. The decisions the membership committee this afternoon will be submitted to the board of trustees of the Community Chest at its meeting to be held the early part of next month, Maryland Couple Wed. Special Dispatch to The Star.

FREDERICK, November George C. Esworthy of Darnestown, and Miss Helen E. Benson of Rockville were married here in the manse of the First Presbyterian Church by Rev. Charles E. Wehler.

The Ulster Flying Club of Dublin, Ire- Clegg of Chicago, John H. Cowles of electric lights and street cars. lend, plans to add two new airplanes. SOL HERZOG 2 Home of the Budget Specials for Saturday First- Can Buy Velvet Regular You $45 Collared at a regular overcoat $38-but satin like the blue velvet collar more than ALL 2 -yes, overcoat price. with You'll $45 blue special it at just material--you'll $38.

Specials smooth, heavy, getting for SIZES. Saturday We SecondAnother Just Group Received Those 2-Pants $45 Suits Special at So PAIRS real $40 our ting we just OF customers mixtures, etc. more--and about get- Home PANTS--that at ALL SIZES. worsteds, offering friends about of blue them it. serges, the oxfords, Budget Plan SOL HERZOG Inc.

Street at 9th Aid to Rover HOBART. NEWMAN, Appointed assistant United States attorney. -Underwood Photo. D. C.

Musician Given Sentence. Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE. November year and a day in the Atlanta Penitentiary was the sentence imposed on Frederick O. Rinker, a musician of Washington, by Judge Morris A.

Soper atfer Rinker pleaded guilty in United States Court to illegal transportation and possession of liquor. Rinker was arrested by Federal prohibition agents at Mount Rainier, with an automobile load of liquor. On three previous occasions he was convicted of liquor violations. Women of Travancore, India, are taking an active part in public affairs. BAPTIST LEADERS LAUD PROHIBITION Thanksgiving Resolution Opposes Return of Legalized Sale of Liquor.

A resolution of thanksgiving for establishment of prohibition in this country and expressing strong opposition to attempts to bring back legalized liquor traffic was adopted at the final business session of the fifty-first annual meeting of the Columbia Association of Baptist Churches, in the Metropolitan Baptist Church, Sixth and A streets northeast, yesterday afternoon. The annual meeting ended with a session in the church last night." Resolutions also were adopted to give general thanks for "bountiful blessings of the past year" and to respond to the call and need for a worldwide revival of religious faith. A resolution rejoicing in the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Metropolitan Baptist Church and the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the pastorate of Rev. John Compton Ball there was adopted. Committee Is Appointed.

J. A. Councilor, Robert Williams, F. M. Newkirk, Clyde H.

Freed and Walter J. Jones, were appointed to serve with the executive secretary and clerk of the association, ex-officio, to study and recommend to the churches the association a uniform method of accountancy for treasurers of churches of the association, their organizations, the asscciation and its, agencies. E. Hilton Jackson, C. V.

Imlay and Thomas H. Patterson were appointed a board of legal advisers, charged with the duty of studying. and advising the churches of the association and any agencies of the association together with any others who may have charge of funds that have been bequeathed or designated by gifts for the benefit of any churches of the association or boards of the association, as to the proper safeguarding and legal use of funds, to the end that the purpose of the donors may be carried out. Eight-minute addresses were delivered at the afternoon session- on "How to Improve Our Church Life," by C. I.

Smith, Z. C. Hodges, Miss Emma Guschewsky, C. J. Crouch and John Bolen.

Youth Shies at Sacrifice. Rev. J. Clyde Turner, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Greensboro, N. was the principal speaker at the concluding session.

last night. Speakinz on the of Youth," Dr. Turner declared: "The reason for SO many failures is not because of the lack of vision, out because youth is unwilling to pay the price to make their visions come true." An address also was delivered at the night session by Miss Sophie L. Huber. A program of music, under tie direction of Percy Foster, included violin solos by, Miss Virginia Cureton.

W. H. KILLIAN EXPIRES. Was Maryland's Fair-Price Commissioner During World War. Special Dispatch to The Star.

BALTIMORE, November 23, William H. Killian, Maryland's fair-price commissioner during the World War one of the first three conservation commissioners for the State, appointed Gov. Harrington in 1916, when that department was created, died at his home here yesterday after week's illness. He had been engaged in the oyster packing business since 1895. Through his long experience in that particular line, he was generally regarded as one of the best informed men on the subject of oysters on the Atlantic seaboard.

For many years he was president of the Oysters Growers and Dealers' Association of Maryland. -the Dependable Store Give and Gain When you buy a new suit or overcoat Goldenbergs will allow, for your old suit or overcoat and give it to the Salvation Army Do a good turn-and help yourself at the same time. Mr. Drob, our Clothing Buyer, has agreed to help the Salvation Army get 5,000 old suits and overcoats for the needy. And here's how he's going to do it! Every man who turns in an old suit or overcoat will be allowed $5 on the purchase of any of the famous makes of Suits and Overcoats in our Men's Clothing Department.

Come in--pick out the Suit or Overcoat you know you need -save $5, and help some poor fellow who's down on his luck-all at one and the same time! IT PAYS TO GOLDENBERGS BOTH SIDES OF 77 AT ST THE DEPENDABLE: STORE" Sides of 7th at St..

Evening star from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)
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